(This is for a paper, hardcopy format of the pattern, which will be mailed to you. It is not for a .pdf download.)
Elizabeth Hartman's "Florence Flamingo" Quilt
Florence Flamingo includes two quilt sizes, both featuring large-scale flamingo blocks with adorable knobby knees. The blocks are pieced using conventional patchwork techniques. No paper piecing! The blocks are made with 2-1/2” fabric strips, making it perfect for using precut rolls or scraps. The pattern also includes a complete list of the cut pieces need to make a single block, making it easy to make single blocks for other projects.
2 quilt sizes: 45x45" or 59 x79"
This pattern is compatible with 2.5" precut strips. Yardages are based on fabric at least 42" wide. You will also need a fabric marking tool and a 5.5" x 8.5" piece of paper or template plastic to make a cutting guide for the flamingo's bent leg.
6 colorful fabric strips will be used to make each flamingo. For best results, the strips used for each flamingo should be color coordinated and/or arranged by value from light to dark.
The large quilt on the cover was made using a Roll-Up (package of precut 2.5" strips) of Elizabeth Hartman's Pond print fabric collection for Robert Kaufman fabrics and a Roll-Up of Pond Kona Cotton Coordinates. The background is Robert Kaufman's Manchester Cotton in Taupe.
Please refer to the listing images for fabric requirements and quilt sizes.